5 In-Demand Career Options If You’re Good at Writing and Storytelling


5 In-Demand Career Options If You’re Good at Writing and Storytelling

Writing and storytelling are two of the most important life skills. Every day, we tell stories to our friends, family members, and colleagues. We wri

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Writing and storytelling are two of the most important life skills. Every day, we tell stories to our friends, family members, and colleagues. We write emails and notes on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, blog posts, and more. If you’re good at writing and storytelling, there are plenty of jobs available for you. 

Here are some of the most in-demand career options if you’re good at writing and storytelling.

#1 Journalist

The primary function of journalists is to cover events and write articles for publication in newspapers, magazines, and online publications. Most journalists have at least one degree from a journalism program. However, most employers will require additional training once hired, either through an internship or formal training programs.

Journalists report on current events as they happen using interviews with people involved in these events. They may also interview experts who can provide insights into an event’s significance. If you’re interested in the field, you might first want to know how to get into journalism. Once you’re aware of how to do so, the transition from a writer to a journalist becomes easier. 

Journalists in the U.S. earn a little under $50,000 a year. However, this varies greatly from company to company. Top newspapers and TV channels pay upwards of $70,000 to their top journalists. The more experienced you are in this field, the better you’re chances of earning more money. 

#2 Content writer

As a content writer, you’ll be responsible for writing the content that appears on websites and blogs. The ability to write well is required, but it’s important to understand who your audience is and what their needs are to create effective content. Content writers can work for an agency or as freelancers. The latter option requires more self-motivation but also allows you more freedom.

Freelance content writers can make a lot of money, depending on their skills, experience, and type of work. On UpWork, for instance, freelance writers can make between $15 per hour and $40 per hour. Highly-skilled and experienced writers can demand as much as $80 per hour. 

#3 Technical writer

A technical writer is someone who writes for a specific audience. For example, if you are writing a manual for computer users, your audience will be people who have basic knowledge of computers and the Internet. 

To write effectively for this audience, it’s important that you understand what they know and don’t know about the topic. You need to be able to explain complex concepts in simple language without dumbing down the content too much.

#4 Scriptwriter

As a scriptwriter, you are responsible for writing the dialogue and action in a script. You also work with other scriptwriters to create a storyboard that can be used by directors and actors as they prepare for filming.

You need to have a good understanding of the story and characters to write effective dialogues that fit each character’s personality. To do this well, you’ll need to take time to consider how your words will affect viewers when they hear them spoken aloud on screen or read them in print.

Your dialogue must be natural sounding, so it doesn’t sound stiff or unnatural when read aloud by an actor or, even worse yet, written out in print. One way of making sure this happens is by researching first. Understand how people speak in a natural setting and try to adopt that into your script. You don’t want your audience to feel like they’re witnessing a play. You want to get them to believe that the script reads naturally. 

#5 YouTuber

If you’re an aspiring YouTuber, the first thing to consider is how you can find your audience. You must have a specific niche or audience in mind for your videos. For example, if you want to be an animal expert on YouTube, then ideally, your videos would be directed toward pet owners and lovers. If your content is too broad and vague, it will be hard for people to get interested in watching them.

Once you’ve found the perfect niche for yourself as a YouTuber, make sure that there’s enough demand for it, and then create content that appeals directly to those viewers’ interests. Of course, this doesn’t mean simply sitting down at your laptop and typing away like mad. Rather than just creating content with no purpose or direction, try organizing some kind of storyline around what you’re doing so that viewers can become engaged with what they’re watching.

Additionally, don’t forget about promoting yourself once those videos are finished. The more effort put into promoting these pieces online through social media platforms, the more people will notice. That way, you can grow your audience.

As a YouTuber, you can expect to make $3-$5 per 1000 views on your video. That will also depend on the types of ads you’re getting. Experts believe that you won’t make much as a YouTuber until you hit the one million subscriber count. However, anything between 500,000 and a million subscribers is good enough to get you started. 

Writing is a powerful skill that can be used in many different ways. There are many career options that you can pursue if you are good at writing and storytelling. It eventually comes down to which one you find to be the best match for you.